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The Night Sky: A Photographic Journey is dedicated to my daughter Julia and my son Demi, whom I love more than there are stars in the skies! -SSJ

The Journey: Along the Way…

Sandra St. James is an accomplished professional photographer and a romantic at heart. She has been chasing the light of our magnificent full moon from 2015-2020. This unique and highly creative project is elegantly featured in her collection, The Night Sky: A Photographic Journey.

Her original motivation was to photograph a body of fine artwork that consisted of creative, aesthetic, and intellectual content worthy of gallery representation. She set out to capture twelve photographs: a full moon in each constellation as they rotated through the night sky. The Astrology Collection

As the first year was coming to a close, Sandra realized she had become deeply invested in her extraordinary and challenging relationship with such a powerful celestial body. Her passionate dedication continued, and she has pursued chasing the moonlight to this day.

Sandra was graced with opportunities to travel abroad and to the West Coast of the United States and into Baja Mexico. Her West Coast and Signature Collections feature stunning photographs of the rising full moon. The Night Sky also features a collection of full moons dedicated to the Native American traditions in the Iroquois territories in Sandra’s home state of New York, and another collection illuminating Celtic moon lore.

The Age of Aquarius collection (currently in production), depicts the general characteristics of the 12 individual astrological signs and the planetary influences that rule them, encouraging us to learn, grow and contribute as we transition into the Age of Aquarius.
